At Georgia Brain & Spine Center

The pituitary gland is the master gland of your body, secreting the hormones that control other glands. Considering how important your pituitary gland is for your health, it’s understandably concerning when it develops a tumor.

Depending on the nature and size of your pituitary tumor, our neurosurgeons Dr. Elias Dagnew and Dr. Michael Hartman will put together a customized treatment plan. The majority of pituitary tumors can also be successfully treated with minimally invasive surgery. For these procedures, we use advanced microscopic and endoscopic techniques as well as our state-of-the-art STEALTH computer image guidance (a GPS-like navigation system for the brain). In most cases, we work alongside an ear, nose, and throat surgeon (ENT) as we access the brain through the nose. The goal of treatment is to remove the full tumor or as much of it as we safely can.

If you’ve been diagnosed with a pituitary tumor or if you think you may have a pituitary tumor, contact Georgia Brain & Spine Center to schedule an appointment.